ETA Scholarship for Dependents of Members Each year, ETA offers three scholarships to dependents of members. To be eligible, an applicant must meet the following criteria:
Dependent of current ETA member
Graduating from high school during current school year
GPA of 2.0 or higher (based on 4.0 scale) after 7 high school semesters
Plan to attend a formal accredited training program (trade school, cosmetology, etc.) or a two/four year accredited college/university this fall
Selection Process: Three $500 ETA Scholarships will be awarded. Winners will be chosen by random draw of all eligible applications received. Application Deadline: April 1 Application: ETA Scholarship for Dependents of Members
ISTA Scholarships - DUE March 1 Each ISTA scholarship listed below is a $1,000 renewable award. Student must be a public high school senior who is a child, stepchild, grandchild or step grandchild of a current ISTA member. (BIPOC = Black, Indigenous or Educators of color) ISTA Career Scholarship- Dependent of an ISTA member.
ISTA Educator Scholarship- Dependent of an ISTA member who is planning to pursue a degree in education.
Louis B. Russell, Jr. Memorial Scholarship- BIPOC student who plans to pursue industrial arts, vocation education, or technical preparation at an accredited post-secondary institution.
ISTA Scholarships - DUE April 1 ISTA Foundation District Scholarship - One $700 scholarship will be awarded for Winner will be chosen by random draw of all eligible nominations received. Must be a public high school senior who is a child, stepchild, grandchild or step grandchild of a current ISTA member.
ISTA Foundation Retired Scholarship - One $2,500 scholarship will be awarded. Must be a public high school senior who is a child, stepchild, grandchild or step grandchild of a current ISTA member.
ISTA Scholarship Due November 15 and April 15 Ann Wilkins Legacy Scholarship - BIPOC student in a full-time practicum experience pursing licensure in education; $1000 per semester up to two semesters.
ISTA Foundation Scholarship for NBPTS Candidates for National Board Certification This scholarship is open to ISTA members who are candidates for National Board Certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. The ISTA Foundation accepts and reviews applications on a rolling basis beginning September 1. Candidates are eligible to receive the ISTA Foundation National Board Certification Scholarship once during initial certification and once for renewal/maintenance during certification cycle. Awards are up to $500 and issued on a first come, first served basis as applications are received, provided the applicant meets all scholarship criteria. Applicants must submit proof of registration and component purchase(s) with scholarship application submission. Application: ISTA Foundation Scholarship for NBPTS